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Il-Kunsill Lokali tal-Floriana jifraħ lis-Sindku l-ġdid tal-lokalità Vincent Borg li se jkun qed jokkupa dan l-irwol wara t-tluq ta’ Davina Sammut Hili mill-Kunsill biex tokkupa l-irwol ta’ Membru Parlamentari.
Albert Demarco se jkun qed jokkupa l-irwol ta’ Viċi Sindku.
Ara d-dettalji hawnhekk:
Ipparteċipa fil-Fun Run billi tirreġistra u tħalli d-donazzjoni tiegħek fil-Kunsill Lokali. Tingħata T-shirt tal-okkażjoni u voucher. Inħeġġukom tipparteċipaw biex flimkien nuru solidarjetà.
Methodist Church – Floriana
Further down from this side there is the famous Floriana’s lion, built by Grand Master Vilhena. This area leads to the other side of Floriana which houses the Capuchin Convent and chapel. In this area we find also the health centre. Down this area on the other side leading to Valletta two other gardens embellish the view. Between them a hospital was built, having an excellent view of the Grand Harbour whilst being surrounded with the Kalkara Gardens. This hospital was originally named King George V Merchant Seamen`s Memorial Hospital but nowadays is known as Sir Paul Boffa Hospital.
Currently this is the 7th legislature of the Council. The Floriana Local Council is entrusted with the administration regarding the daily life of the residents of Floriana.