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Ħinijiet tal-uffiċċju għal dawn il-jiem ta’ festi. Fil-ġranet l-oħra kollox bħan-norma.
Is-Sibt 23 ta’ Diċ sal-11.30am (ħin normali)
It-Tlieta 26 ta’ Diċ sas-1.00pm
Il-Gimgha 29 ta’ Diċ sas-1.00pm
Is-Sibt 30 ta’ Diċembru sal-11.30am (ħin normali)
It-Tlieta 2 ta’ Jannar sas-1.00pm
Nieħdu opportunità biex nawguraw il-Festi t-Tajba lil kulħadd.
Dawn huma r-ritratti rebbieħa tal-Kompetizzjoni tal-fotografija. Fil-kompetizzjoni kien hemm 67 ritratt.
L-ewwel post Joe Micallef, b’ritratt li jagħti xena fenomenali tal-monument tal-Indipendenza.
Fit-tieni post David Vincenti, b’xena mill-isbaħ ta’ Bieb il-Bombi.
Fit-tielet post George Abdilla b’ritratt mill-isbaħ tal-Funtana tal-iljun u fl-isfond il-monument ta’ Pietro Paolo Floriani.
Segwi l-programm kollu tal-attività 'Ġenna ta' Ġonna' hawnhekk. 33 attività l-Ħadd 15 t'Ottubru 2017. #exploreflorianaAktar dettalji fuq din il-link;
Geplaatst door Kunsill Lokali tal-Floriana op donderdag 5 oktober 2017
Floriana Local Council is organizing a photographic competition followed by an exhibition for this year’s “Ġenna ta’ Ġonna”, which is an annual open day for the general public to appreciate the natural beauty and architectural heritage of our locality.
The only subject in this competition is Floriana. Landmarks can be both the main subject and a backdrop (recognisable but out of focus) of the main subject. Photos that do not portray Floriana will not be considered for both the competition and exhibition.
There shall be no categories in both subject of photographs or age of the author.
Everyone is eligible to enter the competition without any restrictions whatsoever, except council members. There are also no restrictions on the quantity of entries for every competitor.
Anyone can submit any number of prints or digital images (hard & soft copy via email
To be considered for both the competition and exhibition, prints need to be at least 12 inch on the longest side. The digital images need to be 2430×1800 pixels or 1.2 megabits at least. If chosen for the exhibition the author needs to print this image to the size requested by Floriana Local Council
Unmounted prints shall be accepted however the author shall mount them if the print is chosen for the exhibition.
All prints shall bare the name of the author on the rear of every entry. The name shall be followed by a number if the same author submits more than one photo; i.e. “John Vella 02”
The deadline for submissions is Tuesday 10th October 2017 by not later than 1200hrs (Midday).
A panel of 4 judges shall be made up of (a) A member from the Maltese Institute of Professional Photography (MIPP), (b) A member from the Malta Photographic Society (MPS) and 2 members nominated by the local council from either the council or the organizing subcommittee.
Judging shall be open to public at an agreed time on Wednesday 11th October 2017
Judging shall be made on the following criteria:
The judges’ final say cannot be appealed but it can be discussed both publically or privately.
Although results can be available immediately, the official results shall be published on the Local Council website.
Judges shall give 1st, 2nd and 3rd and 3 highly commendable.
The copywrite remains that of the author, however the Floriana Local Council reserves the right to publish the photos with accreditation on the website and other publications including printed matter for non commercial purposes.
Are you interested in Malta’s cultural heritage and architecture? Would you like to know more about the locality of Floriana – its whereabouts and characteristics? If so, we invite you to join our monthly Educational Sunday tour!
Over the years, our tours have become a very popular educational and cultural experience for those interested in knowing more about past traditions, techniques used in construction, the origins of our localities, practices in urban planning and more.
The tour is led by professionals in the fields of heritage planning and conservation.
This year, the tour will focus on the locality of Floriana, also known as Citta’ Vilhena. The locality of Floriana which dates back to 1634, offers an immense heritage experience with unravelling details about its planning aspect. Floriana has no less than 15 gardens. The buildings, churches and monuments in this locality provide an insight into Malta’s political and social past from the time of the Knights of St John to the present day.
Throughout the tour, we will offer you the opportunity to discover a number of buildings of particular interest, insite into the extensive baroque fortifications built by the Knights, typical characteristics of Urban Conservation Areas and places of historical appeal including gardens, churches and other interesting sites and features.
This tour allows us to fund raise for a good cause. The Euro 3 fee will be donated to Hospice Movement.
The tour will start from the Planning Authority’s offices in Floriana at 9:00am and will end by 12:30hrs. The Sunday Tours will be held on :
If you are interested to join for this venture, book a place by contact us 22902021/9942 5222 or send an email on Places are on a first come first serve basis.
Designed by Pietro Paolo Floriani, Floriana’s fortifications were started in 1636 in order to keep enemy troops as far as possible from Valletta. Work on Floriana’s fortifications continued until the 1720s. The area between the Floriana Lines and the Valletta land front began to be built up in 1724, when Grand Master António Manoel de Vilhena founded the suburb Borgo Vilhena.
During this tour, hear stories related to Floriana’s religious heritage, its association with the Order of St John and the Irish Fusiliers, as well as fascinating tales of its people and prominent personalities. We will visit places of interest including the Capuchin Friary’s Crypt and Floriana’s various monuments….
Join FAA and Vincent Zammit, for another tour of discovery.
Date: 26th September
Time: 19:00 (7pm)
Place: Outside the Capuchin Friary, Floriana (F.S. Fenech Street)
M’hemmx dubju li l-Floriana hija ‘Ġenna ta’ Ġonna’ għax tipposjedi l-akbar numru ta’ ġonna pubbliċi f’Malta mxerrdin mal-konfini tagħha, iżda għandha wkoll ħafna aktar x’toffri. Wara s-suċċessi fi snin preċedenti, din is-sena se ssir għas-seba’ edizzjoni l-attività ‘Ġenna ta’ Ġonna’.
Bil-kollaborazzjoni ta’ diversi organizazzjonijiet li qegħdin fil-Floriana u oħrajn batta l-lokalità, dakinhar se jkunu miftuħin il-ġonna kollha li għandna fil-Floriana, mużewijiet, binjiet storiċi u postijiet ta’ interess. Fid-diversi postijiet se jkun hemm gwida li tispjega l-valur storiku tal-post.
Fost l-attrazzjonijiet se jkun hemm manuskritti antiki u patrijiet ibbalzmati fil-Kunvent tal-Kapuċċini, ċans li titla’ fuq il-kampnar tal-Knisja Arċipretali ta’ San Publju, il-ġonna “sigrieti” fis-swar, xogħol mill-artisti taħt il-loġoġ, reċtar ta’ xeni storiċi li ġraw fil-lokalità, dak li kien jiġri f’Balzunetta f’uħud mid-diċenji tas-seklu 20 ta’ żmien l-Ingliżi, xeni mill-isbaħ li l-Floriana għandha x’toffri u li ftit nies tul il-jum japprezzaw u kif ukoll bosta attivitajiet oħra li se jkunu mħabbra fil-jiem li ġejjin.
Għalhekk żommu l-Ħadd 15 t’Ottubru ħieles biex issiru tafu aktar minn qatt qabel kemm hi sabiħa u sinjura l-Floriana tagħna fl-istorja, fl-arti u fl-ambjent tagħha.
Għal iktar informazzjoni wieħed għandu jikkuntattja l-Kunsill Lokali tal-Floriana fuq 2123 5523 jew email fuq
Undoubtedly Floriana is a “Heaven of Gardens” since it possesses the largest number of public gardens on the island spread throughout this suburb. However Floriana has a lot more to offer. After the success of the previous years, this year there is going to be the 7th edition of “Ġenna ta’ Ġonna” (Heaven of Gardens)
In collaboration with various organisations within Floriana, on Sunday 15th October you will be able to visit all gardens, museums, historical buildings and other places of interest in our locality. In most places there is even going to be guided tours.
Amongst the attractions there is going to be old manuscripts and mummified bodies of priests under the Cappuccin convent. Also not to be missed is the opportunity to go up the bell tower of St. Pubius Parish Church. Explore the secret gardens within the bastions and works of art under the arches on St. Anne’s Street, and enjoy scenes that only Floriana can offer. Some scenes that only a handful of people do appreciate during the day.
We urge that you keep Sunday 15th October 2017 free so you get to know how beautiful and rich Floriana is in its story, art and environment.
More activities shall be announced in the coming days, and for more information you may contact the Floriana Local Council on 21235523 or via email
Methodist Church – Floriana
Further down from this side there is the famous Floriana’s lion, built by Grand Master Vilhena. This area leads to the other side of Floriana which houses the Capuchin Convent and chapel. In this area we find also the health centre. Down this area on the other side leading to Valletta two other gardens embellish the view. Between them a hospital was built, having an excellent view of the Grand Harbour whilst being surrounded with the Kalkara Gardens. This hospital was originally named King George V Merchant Seamen`s Memorial Hospital but nowadays is known as Sir Paul Boffa Hospital.
Currently this is the 7th legislature of the Council. The Floriana Local Council is entrusted with the administration regarding the daily life of the residents of Floriana.