Ara l-programm tal-attività hawnhekk:
Bħala parti minn Ġenna ta’ Ġonna, nistednuk tipparteċipa fi programm varjat għall-familja kollha fi Ġnien il-Mall bejn l-4:00pm u t-8:30pm. Ikun hemm stands ta’ ikel u xorb, stalls bi prodotti varji ta’ artiġjanat, mudelli ta’ karrozzi antiki, informazzjoni u petting minn The Malta Rabbit Club – Since 1963, logħob għat-tfal, logħob tal-futbol fit-triq, darts, archery, Tai Ji martial arts display, klieb tal-Pulizija mill- The Malta Police Force , Fire engine u membri mit-taqsima tat-tifi tan-nar mid-Dipartiment Civil Protection Malta, Il-Pulizija tal-Komunità Valletta & Floriana Community Policing Team, u ħafna aktar bis-sehem ta’ Ta’ Verna Folk Band u Kantera biex jallegraw lill-pubbliku. Donazzjonijiet kollha b’risq Puttinu Cares. Narawkom!
As part of Ġenna ta’ Ġonna, you are invited to participate in afternoon/evening events for all your family to attend at the Mall Gardens between 4:00pm and 8:30pm. Activity includes food and drink items, artisan crafts stalls, model car show, rabbit petting and information by The Malta Rabbit Club – Since 1963, kids’ attractions, street football, darts, archery, Tai Ji martial arts display, police dog show by The Malta Police Force, Fire engine and firemen from Civil Protection Malta, Valletta & Floriana Community Policing Team, and much more with the participation of folk band Ta’ Verna Folk Band and Kantera to entertain the public, all in aid of Puttinu Cares. See you there!