Advertisements on the Internet
13th October, 2002 | ||
LOCAL COUNCIL BYE-LAW 18/8/2002, as amended by Leal Notice 425 of 2007 | ||
1. The title of these Bye-Laws is the Advertisements on the Internet (Floriana Local Council) Bye-Laws. Interpretation. |
Citation. |
2. In these Bye-Laws unless the context otherwise requires – Cap. 363.
“Act” means the Local Councils Act; “advertisement” includes any commercial or non-commercial promotion; “Council” means the Floriana Local Council; “person” means the person who has been authorised by the Council to link with the Council’s Web-page under the provisions of bye-law 3.2; “Web-page” means access to information and database via the Internet, known as the World Wide Web (WWW), which Web-page may be advertised on the so-called Web Search Engines. |
2.2 In these Bye-Laws, any expression which is defined in the Act shall have the same meaning as is assigned to it in the Act. |
Official Council Web-page. |
3.1 The Council shall have a Web-page on the Internet which shall include all information on the Council and the locality which the Council may choose to include. | ||
3.2 There shall be one official Web-page dedicated exclusively to the Floriana Local Council: Provided that the Council may authorise any person to include or link such Web-page on or to another Web-page, either at a charge or at no charge, as the Council may decide. | ||
3.3 The Council shall authorise in writing the person mentioned in bye-law 3.2. |
Authorisation in writing. |
3.4 Every person who is found guilty of having breached any provision of bye-laws 3.2 and 3.3 shall be fined sixty-nine euro and eighty-eight cents (€69.88) together with eleven euro and sixty- five cents (€11.65) for every day during which the Council’s Web- page is accessible on the offender’s Web-page without the written authorisation. |
Penalties. Amended by: L.N. 425 of 2007. |
4.1 The Council may contract, in accordance with the regulations and procedures applicable according to the Act, with commercial and non-commercial entities to advertise the Council’s Web-page at a charge. 4.2 The contract mentioned in bye-law 4.1 is valid for a period of one year which may be renewed for a further period of one year. |
Authorisation for advertising on the Council’s Web- page. |
4.2 The contract mentioned in bye-law 4.1 is valid for a period of one year which may be renewed for a further period of one year. | ||
L.S.363.94 | |
13 ta’ Ottubru, 2002 | ||
KUNSILL LOKALI BYE-LAW 18/8/2002, kif emendat bl-Avviż Legali 425 ta’ l-2007.
1. It-titolu ta’ dawn il-Bye-Laws hu Bye-Laws dwar Reklami fuq l-Internet (Kunsill Lokali Floriana). |
Titolu. |
2.1 F’dawn il-Bye-Laws kemm-il darba r-rabta tal-kliem ma teħtieġx xort’oħra:
“Att” tfisser l-Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali;
“Kunsill” tfisser il-Kunsill Lokali Floriana;
“persuna” tfisser dik il-persuna li tkun awtorizzata mill-Kunsill biex tqabbad mal-Web-page tal-Kunsill skond id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-ordinament 3.2;
“reklam” tinkludi promozzjoni kummerċjali jew mhux kummerċjali;
“Web-page” tfisser aċċess ta’ informazzjoni fuq sistema u database permezz ta’ Internet, deskritt bħala l-World Wide Web (WWW), liema Web-page tista’ tkun reklamata fuq dawk li jissejħu Web Search Engines.
Tifsir. Kap. 363. |
2.2 F’dawn il-Bye-Laws, kull espressjoni li dwarha hemm tifsira fl-Att, ikollha l-istess tifsira kif mogħtija fl-Att.
3.1 Il-Kunsill għandu jkollu Web-page fuq l-Internet li għandha tinkludi l-informazzjoni fuq il-Kunsill u l-lokalità li l-Kunsill jagħżel li jinkludi.
Web-page uffiċjali tal-Kunsill. |
3.2 Għandu jkun hemm Web-page uffiċjali waħda dedikata esklużivament lill-Kunsill Lokali tal-Floriana:
Iżda l-Kunsill jista’ jawtorizza persuna biex tinkludi jew tqabbad dik il-Web-page ma’ jew fuq xi Web-page oħra, sew bi ħlas sew mingħajr ħlas skond kif jiddeċiedi l-Kunsill.
3.3 Il-Kunsill għandu jagħti awtorizzazzjoni bil-miktub lill- persuna msemmija fl-ordinament 3.2. |
Awtorizzazzjoni bil-miktub. |
3.4 Kull persuna li tinsab ħatja li kisret xi disposizzjoni ta’ l- ordinamenti 3.2 u 3.3 teħel multa ta’ disgħa u sittin euro u tmienja u tmenin ċenteżmu (€69.88) flimkien ma’ ħdax-il euro u ħamsa u sittin ċenteżmu (€11.65) għal kull jum li matulu l-Web-page tal- Kunsill tkun aċċessibbli fuq il-Web-page ta’ dik il-persuna ħatja mingħajr l-awtorizzazzjoni bil-miktub.
Penali. Emendat: A.L. 425 ta’ l- 2007. |
4.1 Il-Kunsill jista’ jikkuntratta, skond ir-regolamenti u proċeduri li japplikaw skond l-Att, ma’ entitajiet sew kummerċjali sew mhux kummerċjali biex dawk l-entitajiet jirreklamaw bi ħlas fuq il-Web-page tal-Kunsill.
Awtorizzazzjoni għar-reklamar fuq il-Web-page tal- Kunsill. |
4.2 Il-kuntratt imsemmi fl-ordinament 4.1 ikun validu għal perijodu ta’ sena li jista’ jiġi mġedded għal perijodu ieħor ta’ sena.
Advertisement on Street Furniture
S.L.363.97 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUBSIDIARY LEGISLATION 363.97 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
29th August, 2003 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LOCAL COUNCIL BYE-LAW 18/2/2003, as amended by Legal Notice 425 of 2007. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. The title of these Bye-Laws is the Advertisements on Street Furniture (Floriana Local Council) Bye-Laws. |
Citation. |
2. In these Bye-Laws unless the context otherwise requires –
“Act” means the Local Councils Act; “advertisement” means any type of promotion whether commercial or otherwise, and includes a notice; “applicant” means the person who applies to the Council under the provisions of bye-law 3.2; “contractor” means the person who has been authorised by the Council to display, fix or place any advertisement on street furniture under the provisions of bye-law 3.1; “Council” means Floriana Local Council; “street furniture” means any object, movable or immovable which is the Council’s property or is under its responsibility and which although would not substantially form part of the road, pavement, garden or other public area, would be placed in such area or fixed to it, or even placed on it, and includes dustbins, skips, bins on wheels, benches, planters, boundary walls, walls, columns, tree pits, verges and central reservations, roundabouts, central strips and traffic islands. |
Interpretation. Cap. 363. |
3.1 Without prejudice to any permit, authorisation, or licence required under any law, no person shall display, fix or place any advertisement on any street furniture within the Floriana locality boundary without the written authorisation of the Council. |
Authorisation to advertise on street furniture. |
3.2 Such authorisation may be granted either after a written application to the Council or else after a public call made by the Council for applications is to be submitted:
Provided that the authorisation shall be deemed void if applicant fails to comply with the requirements established in the guidelines issued or which may be issued from time to time by the Council in terms of article 33(1)(g) of the Act: Provided also that the guidelines shall be incorporated in the contract document which shall regulate the authorisation granted by the Council to the contractor in terms of bye-law 3.3. |
3.3 Following a public call by the Council, the authorisation of the Council shall take the form of a contract in accordance with the regulations and procedures applicable to Local Councils.
Such a contract shall be valid for a period of one year which may be renewed by the Council for a further one year period by means of a contract. In every case the Council reserves the right to refuse to renew the contract after having given valid reasons in writing to the person concerned. |
3.4 The Council may, on awarding the contract mentioned in bye-law 3.3, authorise the contractor to use the space where advertisements may be displayed on street furniture, even by selling the mentioned space to third parties. In such a case, third parties would not require the Council’s authorisation:
Provided that the contractor shall not use or sell the space for any advertisement that is prohibited by the contract, or at a higher price than that established by the Council by the contract or with conditions other than those stipulated in the original contract. |
3.5 For every authorisation granted by the Council in accordance with these Bye-Laws there shall be paid a fee as established in the Schedule:
Provided that for the authorisation granted by the Council following a public call, the fee entitled to be paid to the Council is that offered in the tender document which has been accepted. |
3.6 Notwithstanding the authorisation granted under these Bye-Laws, the person to whom authorisation is given is personally responsible for any permits or licences necessary under any other law. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3.7 The Council may grant authorisation in terms of these Bye- Laws to voluntary organizations that operate from the locality, or non-governmental organizations listed in the Eighth Schedule to the Act, after the Council receives a written request so as to advertise activities or public notices without payment. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3.8 Any authorisation granted under these Bye-Laws is subject amongst other conditions to a condition that the advertisement shall be removed within one week from the expiry date of the authorisation. In any case to the contrary, the person responsible for removing such advertisements shall be guilty of a contravention. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4. Every person who is in breach of one of the provisions of these Bye-Laws or any condition of the authorisation given by virtue of these Bye-Laws shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine (ammenda) of forty-six euro and fifty-nine cents (46.59) for such contravention, and to a further fine (ammenda) of not less than two euro and thirty-three cents (2.33) and not more than eleven euro and sixty-five cents (11.65)for every day during which one of the provisions of these Bye-Laws or any condition of the authorisation is breached. |
Penalties. Amended by: L.N. 425 of 2007. |
L.S.363.97 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LEĠISLAZZJONI SUSSIDJARJA 363.97 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
29 ta’ Awissu, 2003 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
KUNSILL LOKALI BYE-LAW 18/2/2003, kif emendat bl-Avviż Legali 425 ta’ l-2007. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. It-titolu ta’ dawn il-Bye-Laws hu Bye-Laws dwar Reklami fuq G]amara tat-Toroq (Kunsill Lokali Floriana). |
Titolu. |
2. F’dawn il-Bye-Laws kemm-il darba r-rabta tal-kliem ma teħtieġx xort’oħra:
“applikant” tfisser dik il-persuna li tapplika lill-Kunsill skond id- disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-ordinament 3.2; “Att” tfisser l-Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali; “Kunsill’ tfisser il-Kunsill Lokali Floriana; “kuntrattur” tfisser dik il-persuna li tkun awtorizzata mill-Kunsill li tesibixxi, twaħħal jew tqiegħed xi reklam fuq għamara tat-toroq skond id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-ordinament 3.1; “għamara tat-toroq” tfisser kull ħaġa, mobbli jew immobbli, li tkun proprjetà tal-Kunsill jew taħt ir-responsabbiltà tiegħu li għalkemm ma tkunx parti essenzjali minn triq, bankina, ġnien jew post ieħor pubbliku, tkun imdaħħla ġo post bħal dak jew imwaħħla miegħu jew imqiegħda fuqu, u tinkludi dustbins, skips u bins on wheels, bankijiet, qsari, ċnut, ħitan, balavostri, kolonni, railings, bus shelters, tree pits, verges u central reservations, roundabouts, central strips u traffic islands; “reklam” tfisser kull xorta ta’ promozzjoni kemm kummerċjali kemm ta’ xort’oħra, u tinkludi avviż. |
Tifsir. Kap. 363. |
3.1 Bla ħsara għal kull permess, awtorizzazzjoni, jew liċenza meħtieġa taħt xi liġi, ebda persuna ma tista’ tesibixxi, twaħħal jew tqiegħed xi reklam fuq xi għamara tat-toroq fil-konfini tal-lokalità ta’ Floriana mingħajr l-awtorizzazzjoni bil-miktub tal-Kunsill. |
Awtorizzazzjoni għal reklamar fuq għamara tat-toroq. |
3.2 Dik l-awtorizzazzjoni tista’ tingħata jew wara applikazzjoni bil-miktub g]alhekk, jew wara sejħa pubblika fejn il-Kunsill jistieden applikazzjonijiet:
Iżda dik l-awtorizzazzjoni għandha titqies mhix valida jekk l-applikant jonqos milli jaderixxi mal-ħtiġiet li hemm stabbiliti fillinji ta’ gwida maħruġa jew li jistgħu jiġu maħruġa minn żmien għal żmien mill-Kunsill ta]t l-artikolu 33(1)(g) ta’ l-Att:
Iżda wkoll dawk il-linji ta’ gwida għandhom ikunu mdaħħla fil-kuntratt li għandu jirregola l-awtorizzazzjoni mogħtija mill-Kunsill lill-kuntrattur skond l-ordinament 3.3.
3.3 Meta l-Kunsill joħroġ sejħa pubblika, l-awtorizzazzjoni tal-Kunsill għandha tkun permezz ta’ kuntratt skond ir-regolamenti u l-proċeduri applikabbli għal Kunsilli Lokali.
Dak il-kuntratt ikun validu għal perijodu ta’ sena li jista’ jiġi mġedded għal perijodu ta’ sena oħra permezz ta’ kuntratt. F’kull każ il-Kunsill jirriserva d-dritt li jirrifjuta li jġedded il- kuntratt wara li jagħti raġunijiet validi bil-miktub lill-persuna involuta. |
3.4 Fil-għoti ta’ kuntratt kif imsemmi fl-ordinament 3.3, il- Kunsill jista’ jawtorizza lill-kuntrattur li juża l-ispazju fejn jistgħu jitwaħħlu reklami fuq għamara tat-toroq ukoll billi jbiegħ l- imsemmi spazju lil terzi persuni. F’dak il-każ, l-imsemmija terzi persuni ma jkunux jeħtieġu l-awtorizzazzjoni tal-Kunsill:
Iżda l-kuntrattur ma jistax juża jew ibiegħ l-ispazju għal xi reklami li jkunu projbiti bil-kuntratt, jew b’iktar mill-prezz stabbilit mill-Kunsill f’dak il-kuntratt jew b’xi kondizzjonijiet differenti minn dawk stipulati fil-kuntratt oriġinali. |
3.5 G]al kull awtorizzazzjoni mogħtija mill-Kunsill skond dawn il-Bye-Laws g]andu jitħallas dritt kif hemm stabbilit fl- Iskeda:
Iżda fil-każ ta’ awtorizzazzjoni mogħtija mill-Kunsill wara sejħa pubblika, id-dritt li jitħallas lill-Kunsill ikun dak offrut fid- dokumenti ta’ l-offerta li tkun ġiet milqugħa. |
3.6 Minkejja kull awtorizzazzjoni mog]tija taħt dawn il-Bye-Laws, il-persuna li lilha tingħata l-awtorizzazzjoni tkun personalment responsabbli għal kull permess jew liċenza meħtieġa taħt kull liġi oħra. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3.7 Il-Kunsill jista’ jagħti l-awtorizzazzjoni skond dawn il- Bye-Laws lil għaqdiet volontarji li jiffunzjonaw mil-lokalità, jew lill-organizzazzjonijiet li mhumiex tal-Gvern imniżżlin fit-Tmien Skeda li tinsab ma’ l-Att, wara li dawn jagħmlu talba bil-miktub sabiex jirreklamaw attivitajiet jew appelli pubbiċi mingħajr ħlas. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3.8 Kull awtorizzazzjoni mogħtija taħt dawn il-Bye-Laws tkun fost kondizzjonijiet oħra soġġetta għall-kondizzjoni li r-reklam għandu jitneħħa fi żmien ġimgħa minn meta jiskadi ż-żmien li għalih tkun ħarġet l-awtorizzazzjoni. F’każ kuntrarju il-persuna responsabbli għat-tneħħija ta’ dawk ir-reklami tkun ħatja ta’ kontravvenzjoni. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4. Kull persuna li tikser xi waħda mid-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dawn il-Bye-Laws jew xi kondizzjoni ta’ l-awtorizzazzjoni mogħtija bis-saħħa ta’ dawn il-Bye-Laws, teħel, meta tinsab ħatja, ammenda ta’ sitta u erbgħin euro u disgħa u ħamsin ċenteżmu (46.59) għal dik il-kontravvenzjoni, flimkien ma’ ammenda oħra ta’ mhux inqas minn żewġ euro u tlieta u tletin ċenteżmu (2.33) u mhux aktar minn ħdax-il euro u ħamsa u sittin ċenteżmu (11.65), għal kull ġurnata li tkun kisret xi waħda mid-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dawn il-Bye-Laws jew xi kondizzjoni ta’ l-awtorizzazzjoni. |
Penali. Emendat: A.L. 425 ta’ l- 2007. |
Control of Pigeons
SUBSIDIARY LEGISLATION 363.107 | S.L.363.107 | ||
15th February, 2004 | |||
LOCAL COUNCIL BYE-LAW 18/1/2004, as amended by Legal Notice 425 of 2007.
1. The title of these Bye-Laws is the Control of Pigeons (Floriana Local Council) Bye-Laws.
Citation. |
2. In these Bye-Laws, unless the context otherwise requires:
Interpretation. |
“Act” means the Local Councils Act;
“Council” means the Floriana Local Council;
“domestic pigeons” means pigeons which are kept in a residential place or in some other place for the purpose of recreation, hobby or sport.
“locality” means the Floriana locality as shown in the Second Schedule to the Local Councils Act;
“wild pigeons” means pigeons which are not domestic pigeons.
Cap. 363. |
3.1 The feeding of wild pigeons in any part of the locality is prohibited. |
The feeding of wild pigeons by any person is prohibited. |
3.2 It is also prohibited for any person to voluntarily leave food in places which are accessible to wild pigeons. | |||
3.3 The provisions of this bye-law do not apply to those persons who keep or take care of domestic pigeons. | |||
4. The owners of abandoned immovable property within the locality shall ensure that the said property be sealed in such a manner that no pigeons can go in or make nests therein. |
Abandoned immovable property. |
5.1 Any person who fails to comply with any of the provisions o f th es e Bye – La ws s h al l be d e emed to have commi tted a contravention and shall, on conviction, be liable unless a higher penalty is applicable under any other law: |
Penalty. Amended by: L.N. 425 of 2007. |
5.1.1 for a first contravention to a fine (ammenda) of forty- six euro and fifty-nine cents (€46.59); | |||
5.1.2 for a second or subsequent contravention to a fine (ammenda) of sixty-nine euro and eighty-eight cents (€69.88); and | |||
5.1.3 in the case of a continuing contravention to a fine (ammenda) of eleven euro and sixty-five cents (€11.65) for each day that the contravention continues. | |||
15 ta’ Frar, 2004 | |||
KUNSILL LOKALI BYE-LAW 18/1/2004, kif emendat bl-Avviż Legali 425 ta’ l-2007. | |||
1. It-titolu ta’ dawn il-Bye-Laws hu Bye-Laws dwar Kontroll tal-ħamiem (Kunsill Lokali Floriana). |
Titolu. |
2. F’dawn il-Bye-Laws, kemm-il darba r-rabta tal-kliem ma teħtieġx xort’oħra –
Tifsir. |
”Att” tfisser l-Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali;
”Ħamiem domestiku” tfisser ħamiem li jkun miżmum f ’post ta’ abitazzjoni jew xi post ieħor għal skop ta’ rikreazzjoni, passatemp jew sport;
”Ħamiem selvaġġ” tfisser ħamiem li ma jkunx ħamiem domestiku;
”Kunsill” tfisser il-Kunsill Lokali Floriana;
”lokalità” tfisser il-lokalità ta’ Floriana kif murija fit-Tieni Skeda li tinsab ma’ l-Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali.
Kap. 363 |
3.1 F’kull parti tal-lokalità hu projbit li persuna titma’ ħamiem selvaġġ. |
Mhux permess li persuna titma’ ħamiem selvaġġ. |
3.2 Hu projbit ukoll li persuna tħalli, b’mod volontarju, ikel f’postijiet aċċessibbli għall-ħamiem selvaġġ. | |||
3.3 Id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-ordinament ma japplikawx għal dawk il-persuni li jrabbu jew jieħdu ħsieb ħamiem domestiku. | |||
4. Il-proprjetarji ta’ proprjetà immobbli ġewwa l-lokalità li ma tkunx abitata, għandhom jiżguraw li l-imsemmija proprjetà tkun imbarrata b’tali mod li ma’ jkunux jistgħu jidħlu jew ibejjet ħamiem selvaġġ ġewwa fiha. |
Proprjetà immobbli abbandunata. |
5.1 Kull persuna li tikser xi disposizzjonijiet ta’ dawn il-Bye-Laws tkun ħatja ta’ kontravvenzjoni u teħel, meta tinsab ħatja, sakemm ma tkunx applikabbli piena ogħla taħt xi liġi oħra: |
Penali. Emendat: A.L. 425 ta’ l-2007. |
5.1.1 għall-ewwel kontravvenzjoni ammenda ta’ sitta u erbgħin euro u disgħa u ħamsin ċenteżmu (€46.59);
5.1.2 għat-tieni kontravvenzjoni jew għal kull kontravvenzjoni oħra li tiġi wara, ammenda ta’ disgħa u sittin euro u tmienja u tmenin ċenteżmu (€69.88); u
5.1.3 fil-każ ta’ kontravvenzjoni kontinwata, ammenda ta’ ħdax-il euro u ħamsa u sittin ċenteżmu (€11.65) għal kull jum li matulu tkompli l-kontravvenzjoni.
Organisation of Courses
[ S.L.363.98 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
SUBSIDIARY LEGISLATION 363.98 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
29th August, 2003 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
LOCAL COUNCIL BYE-LAW 18/3/2003, as amended by Legal Notice 425 of 2007. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
1. The title of these Bye-Laws is the Organisation of Courses (Floriana Local Council) Bye-Laws. |
Citation. |
2. In these Bye-Laws unless the context otherwise requires –
Interpretation. Cap. 363. |
“Act” means the Local Councils Act;
“Council” means the Floriana Local Council;
“course” means a series of structured lessons, lectures, instructions, demonstrations or practical sessions in educational, cultural, sporting, vocational or hand crafts schemes or activities organised by the Council in accordance with the provisions of these Bye-Laws;
“locality” means the Floriana locality.
3.1 The Council may from time to time organise such courses as it deems proper:
Provided that the Council may for a valid reason, such as not having the required minimum number of participants, cancel any course which has already been advertised or to discontinue any course which has been commenced.
Organisation of courses. |
3.2 Such courses shall be advertised in any manner that the Council deems fit and may be open to the categories of persons as specified in such advertisement. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
3.3 Eligibility for any courses may be subject to such conditions or requirements as may be established by the Council. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
4.1 Any person desiring to attend a course shall submit an application on the appropriate form supplied by the Council:
Provided that the Council reserves the right to refuse an application if the applicant does not satisfy any of the requirements which are attached to such course.
Application for courses. |
4.2 If the number of applications received exceeds the number of available places for a course, priority shall be established as follows: | |||||||||||||||||||||||
4.2.1 |
first priority shall be given to persons registered as voters in the Electoral Register or the Special Register which relate to the locality, and their children:
Provided that in competition between these persons, priority shall be given either to the earlier applicant or if applications are received concurrently, by lot;
4.2.2 | second priority shall be given to persons residing in the locality but not registered to vote, and their children; | ||||||||||||||||||||||
4.2.3 | third priority shall be given to other applicants. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
5.1 Applications shall be accompanied by the fees established in the Schedule. |
Fees for attendance. |
5.2 The Council may, in accordance with pre-established criteria, exempt any person or any class of persons from the payment of such fees or part thereof. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
5.3 In establishing the fees for a particular course, the Council shall take into consideration all expenses that will be incurred for or in connection with the organisation of all the courses scheduled by the Council. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
5.4 The application form shall include the details of applicant, course applied for, serial number, amount paid, receipt number and signature of officer processing the application and the date and time when the application is submitted.
Refund of fees.
6.1 Fees shall be refunded by the Council in any of the following cases: |
Refund of Fees. |
6.1.1 |
if an application is made and the course is not subsequently organised, the full fee shall be refunded;
6.1.2 | if the course is discontinued by the Council, that part of the fee as represents the proportion which the remaining number of sessions bears to the total number of sessions in that particular course; | ||||||||||||||||||||||
6.1.3 | in any other case that may from time to time be established by the Council. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
6.2 Any person who discontinues to attend a course or who, for a valid reason is stopped by the Council from attending, shall not be entitled to any refund of fees. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
7. Any surplus balance from the respective nominal accounts shall only be utilised for the further development of other courses or for the organisation of any other activity by the Council for the benefit of persons residing within its locality.
Funding of courses. |
8.1 The Council may issue a call for tenders in order to give a contract to any agency, authority, organisation, institution or any other person to organise a course or courses on behalf of the Council as stipulated in the Schedule. |
Call for tenders. |
8.2 When the Council issues a call for tenders, the Council’s authorisation has to be by means of a contract according to the regulations and procedures applicable to the Local Councils | |||||||||||||||||||||||
8.3 The Council may on entering the contract mentioned in bye-law 8.2, authorise the contract or to organise those courses authorised to him under the same agreements and conditions stipulated in these Bye-Laws, but the contractor cannot charge higher rates either than those stipulated in the Schedule. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Substituted by: L.N. 425 of 2007. |
L.S.363.98 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
LEĠISLAZZJONI SUSSIDJARJA 363.98 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
29 ta’ Awissuu, 2003 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
KUNSILL LOKALI BYE-LAW 18/3/2003, kif emendat bl-Avviż Legali 425 ta’ l-2007. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
1. It-titolu ta’ dawn il-Bye-Laws hu Bye-Laws dwar l- Organizzazzjoni ta’ Korsijiet (Kunsill Lokali Floriana). |
Titolu. |
2. F’dawn il-Bye-Laws kemm-il darba r-rabta tal-kliem ma teħtiex xort’oħra: |
Tifsir. |
“Att” tfisser l-Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali;
“kors” tfisser serje ta’ lezzjonijiet strutturati, lectures, istruzzjonijiet, wirjiet jew sessjonijiet prattiċi fi skemi jew attivitajiet edukattivi, kulturali, sportivi, vokazzjonali jew f ’xogħol ta’ l-idejn, organizzati mill-Kunsill skond id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dawn il-Bye-Laws;
“Kunsill” tfisser il-Kunsill Lokali Floriana; “lokalità” tfisser il-lokalità ta’ Floriana.
Kap. 363. |
3.1 Il-Kunsill jista’ minn żmien għal żmien jorganizza korsijiet kif jidhirlu xieraq:
Iżda l-Kunsill jista’, għal raġuni valida, (bħal meta ma jkunx hemm l-inqas għadd meħtieġ ta’ parteċipanti), iħassar xi kors li jkun diġà mħabbar jew ma jkomplix xi kors li jkun inbeda.
Organizzazzjoni ta’ korsijiet. |
3.2 Dawn il-korsijiet jiġu mħabbra b’dak il-mod li l-Kunsill jidhirlu xieraq u jistgħu jkunu miftuħin għall-kategoriji ta’ persuni skond kif indikat f ’dak l-avviż.
3.3 Eliġibilità għal dawk il-korsijiet tista’ tkun suġġetta għal dawk il-kondizzjonijiet jew ħtiġiet kif jistgħu jiġu stabbiliti mill- Kunsill. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
4.1 Kull persuna li tixtieq tattendi xi kors għandha ti ssottometti applik azzjoni fuq formula apposta mogħtija mill- Kunsill:
Iżda l-Kunsill iżomm il-jedd li jirrifjuta xi applikazzjoni kemm-il darba l-applikant ma jkunx issodisfa xi waħda mir-rekwiżiti marbuta mal-kors. |
Applikazzjonijiet għall-korsijiet. |
4.2 Kemm-il darba l-għadd ta’ applikazzjonijiet li jidħlu jkun jaqbeż l-għadd ta’ postijiet vakanti għal xi kors, tingħata preċedenza skond kif ġej: | |||||||||||||||||||||||
4.2.1 |
l-ewwel prijorità għandha tingħata lil residenti reġistrati bħala votanti fir-Reġistru Elettorali jew fir-Reġistru Speċjali għal-lokalità, u lit-tfal tagħhom:
Iżda f ’kompetizzjoni bejn dawn il-persuni, tingħata preċedenza lil min ikun applika l-ewwel jew, f ’każ li l-applikazzjonijiet ikunu daħlu flimkien, jintgħażlu bix-xorti;
4.2.2 |
it-tieni prijorità għandha tingħata lill-persuni residenti fil-lokalità iżda mhux reġistrati bħala votanti u lil uliedhom;
4.2.3 | it-tielet prijorità għandha tingħata lil applikanti oħra. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
5.1 Ma’ l-applikazzjoni għandu jsir il-ħlas stabbilit fl-Iskeda. |
Ħlas għall- attendenza. |
5.2 Skond kriterji stabbiliti minn qabel, il-Kunsill jista’ jeżenta lil kull persuna jew kategoriji ta’ persuni mill-ħlas ta’ dawk id-drittijiet jew ta’ parti minnhom. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
5.3 Meta l-Kunsill jistabbilixxi d-drittijiet għal xi kors partikolari, huwa għandu jqis l-ispejjeż kollha involuti fih jew marbuta ma’ l-organizzazzjoni tal-korsijiet kollha skedati mill- Kunsill. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
5.4 Il-formula ta’ l-applikazzjoni għandu jkun fiha d-dettalji ta’ l-applikant, il-kors li qed issir applikazzjoni għalih, in-numru ta’ l-applikazzjoni, l-ammont imħallas, in-numru ta’ l-irċevuta, il- firma ta’ l-uffiċjal li jkun qed jeżamina l-applikazzjoni, u d-data u l-ħin ta’ meta tkun daħlet l-applikazzjoni. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
6.1 Il-Kunsill iħallas lura d-drittijiet mħallsa f ’xi wieħed mill- każijiet li ġejjin: |
Ħlas lura tad- drittijiet. |
6.1.1 | meta ssir applikazzjoni u wara l-kors ma jiġix organizzat, jitħallas lura d-dritt sħiħ; | ||||||||||||||||||||||
6.1.2 | jekk il-kors ma jitkompliex mill-Kunsill, jitħallas lura dak is-sehem mid-dritt daqskemm ikun jirrappreżenta l-proporzjon li l-għadd ta’ sessjonijiet li jkun fadal maħdum fuq l-għadd totali ta’ sessjonijiet għal dak il-kors partikolari; | ||||||||||||||||||||||
6.1.3 | f’kull każ ieħor li jista’ minn żmien għal żmien jiġi stabbilit mill-Kunsill. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
6.2 Persuna li ma tkomplix tattendi xi kors jew li għal xi raġuni valida tiġi mwaqqfa mill-Kunsill milli tattendi, ma tkunx intitolata għal ebda ħlas lura ta’ xi dritt.
7. Il-bilanċ ta’ flus li jirriżulta min-nominal accounts rispettivi għandu jintuża biss fl-iżvilupp ulterjuri ta’ korsijiet oħra jew fl-organizzazzjoni ta’ xi attività oħra organizzata mill-Kunsill għall-benefiċċju tal-persuni residenti fil-lokalità tiegħu.
Fond tal- korsijiet. |
8.1 Il-Kunsill jista’ joħroġ sejħa għall-offerti sabiex biha jagħti kuntratt lil xi aġenzija, awtorità, organizzazzjoni, istituzzjoni jew lil xi persuna oħra biex din torganizza xi kors jew korsijiet għan- nom tal-Kunsill kif stipulat fl-Iskeda. |
Sejħa pubblika. |
8.2 Meta l-Kunsill joħroġ sejħa għall-offerti, l-awtorizzazzjoni tal-Kunsill għandha tkun bil-mezz ta’ kuntratt skond ir-regolamenti u l-proċeduri li japplikaw għal Kunsilli Lokali. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
8.3 Fl-għoti tal-kuntratt kif imsemmi fl-ordinament 8.2, il- Kunsill jista’ jawtorizza lill-kuntrattur sabiex jagħmel dawk il- korsijiet lilu awtorizzati taħt l-istess pattijiet u kondizz jonijiet stabbiliti f ’dawn il-Bye-Laws, iżda l-kuntrattur ma jistax jitlob rati ogħla minn dawk stipulati fl-Iskeda. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Publications and Souvenirs
(KAP. 363) |
Bye-Laws tal-2011 dwar Pubblikazzjonijiet u Souvenirs
(Kunsill Lokali Floriana)
BIS-SAĦĦA tas-setgħat mogħtija bl-artikoli 34, 35 u 60 ta’ l-Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali, il-Kunsill Lokali Floriana għamel il-Bye-Laws li ġejjin:- | ||
1.1 It-titolu ta’ dawn il-Bye-Laws hu Bye-Laws tal-2011 dwar Pubblikazzjonijiet u Souvenirs (Kunsill Lokali Floriana). |
Titolu u bidu fis-seħħ. |
1.2 Dawn il-Bye-Laws għandhom jibdew iseħħu xahar wara l-pubblikazzjoni tagħhom fil-Gazzetta. | ||
2.1 F’dawn il-Bye-Laws kemm-il darba r-rabta tal-kliem ma tkunx teħtieġ xort’oħra –
“il-borde ditorjali” tfisser il-persuna jew grupp ta’ persuni inkarigati mill-Kunsill biex jieħdu ħsieb il-pubblikazzjonijiet tal-Kunsill;
“il-Kunsill” tfisser il-Kunsill Lokali Floriana;
“pubblikazzjonijiet” tinkludi kull gazzetta, ġurnal, CD, DVD, newsletter, ktieb, fuljett jew oġġett stampat ieħor, maħruġ mill-Kunsill, kif ukoll lapel badges magħmula mill- Kunsill bi skop edukattiv jew kulturali.
Tifsir. |
3.1 Il-Kunsill ikollu l-jedd ibiegħ pubblikazzjonijiet u souvenirs li strettament jirrappreżentaw lill-Kunsill Lokali Floriana. |
Jed li jinbiegħu pubblikazzjonijiet. |
3.2 Meta jiġi stabbilit il-prezz tal-pubblikazzjonijiet, dan għandu jinkludi l-elementi kollha biex jiġu rkuprati l-ispejjeż minfuqa fil-produzzjoni tal-pubblikazzjoni jew tas-souvenir kif ukoll marġini żgħir ta’ qliegħ:
Iżda dan m’għandux ikun iżjed minn għaxra fil-mija tal-prezz ta’ kemm jiġi jiswa lill-Kunsill.
3.3 Il-Kunsill jitsa’ juża kull mezz disponibli biex jippromwovi u jbiegħ il-pubblikazzjonijiet u s-souvenirs tiegħu. | ||
3.4 Minkejja kull awtorizzazzjoni mogħtija taħt dawn il-Bye-Laws, il-persuna li lilha tingħata l-awtorizzazzjoni tkun responsabbli għal kull permess jew liċenza meħtieġa taħt kull liġi oħra. | ||
4.1 Fl-istadju tat-tfassil ta’ pubblikazzjoni, il-bord editorjali għandu jiżgura li l-materjal użat ikun ta’ l-ogħla livell, u li ma jkunux pubblikati artikli li jagħtu opinjoni li tista’ titqies li tkun diskriminatorja, partiġġana jew libelluża. |
Ħtiġiet. |
4.2 Il-bord editorjali għandu wkoll jiżgura li minbarra li jħares kull liġi li tirregola l-istampar ta’ pubblikazzjoni, dan iqis sew il-ħtiġiet tal-konsumatur billi jara li l-prezz mitlub ikun wieħed raġonevoli u li dik il-pubblikazzjoni tkun disponibbli minn stabbilimenti fejn persuni b’diżabilità jkunu jistgħu jidħlu bla diffikultà.
4.3 Fuq kull pubblikazzjoni, minbarra lapel badges u souvenirs, għandu jiġi indikat b’mod ċar:
(a) l-isem u l-indirizz tal-bord editorjali;
(b) id-data tal-ħruġ ta’ dik il-pubblikazzjoni;
(ċ) l-isem u l-indirizz ta’ l-istamperija;
(d) dikjarazzjoni li l-pubblikazzjoni tkun maħruġa taħt l-awtorità tal-Kunsill; u
(e) in-numru tal-ħarġa, jekk il-pubblikazzjoni tkun waħda minn sensiela;
(f) il-prezz tal-pubblikazzjoni.
5.1 Jekk ikun hemm nuqqas ta’ qbil fuq xi materja bejn il- membri tal-bord editorjali, dik il-materja għandha titressaq għall- konsiderazzjoni tal-Kunsill, u d-deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill tkun finali. |
Jistgħu xi każijiet jitressqu quddiem il-Kunsill. |
6.1 L-abbozz finali tal-pubblikazzjoni u souvenir għandu, qabel ma jinħareġ għall-bejgħ, ikun approvat mill-Kunsill. |
Approvazzjoni tal- Kunsill. |
7.1 Il-prezz tal-pubblikazzjoni u souvenir għandu jiġi stabbilit mill-bord editorjali u approvat mill-Kunsill. |
Prezz. |
Publications and Souvenirs
(Floriana Local Council) Bye-Laws, 2011
IN exercise of the powers conferred by articles 34, 35 and 60 of the Local Councils Act, the Floriana Local Council has made the following Bye-Laws:- | ||
1.1 The title of these Bye-Laws is the Publications and Souvenirs (Floriana Local Council) Bye-Laws, 2011. |
Citation and commencement. |
1.2 These Bye-Laws shall come into force one month after their publication in the Gazette. | ||
2.1 In these Bye-Laws unless the context otherwise requires –
“the Council” means the Floriana Local Council;
“the editorial board” means the person or group of persons nominated by the Council to be in charge of Council publications and souvenirs;
“publications” includes any newspaper, journal, CD, DVD, newsletter, book, brochure or other publication by the Council, as well as lapel badges made by the Council with an educational or cultural purpose.
Definitions. |
3.1 The Council shall have the right to sell publications and souvenirs with definitive reference to Floriana Local Council. |
Right to sell publications and souvenirs. |
3.2 In determining the price of publications and souvenirs, it shall include all the elements to recover the expenses made in the production of the publication or the souvenir as well as a small profit margin:
Provided that the aforesaid price shall not be more than ten per cent of the Local Council’s cost price. |
3.3 The Council may utilise any available means to promote and sell its publications and souvenirs.
3.4 Notwithstanding any authorisation granted under these Bye-Laws, a person granted an authorisation shall be personally responsible for any permits or licences necessary under any other law. | ||
4.1 In the design stage of any publication or souvenir, the board shall ensure that the material used is of the highest quality, and that no articles are published which give an opinion which may be considered to be discriminatory, partisan or libellous. | ||
4.2 The board shall also ensure that, besides conforming with any law that regulates the printing of publications or the manufacturing of souvenirs, it takes due consideration of the needs of the consumer by ensuring that the price charged is reasonable and that such publication or souvenir is available from establishments which provide good access to persons with a disability. |
Requirements. |
4.3 On each publication, excluding lapel badges and souvenirs, there shall be clearly indicated:
(a) the name and address of the board;
(b) the date of issue of the publication;
(c) the name and address of the publishing house;
(d) a declaration that the publication is issued under the authority of the Council;
(e) the serial number, if the publication is part of a series; and
(f) the price of publication.
5.1 If there is any lack of agreement on any issue between the members of the board, the issue shall be referred for the consideration of the Council, and the Council’s decision shall be final. |
Cases to be referred to Council. |
6.1 The final draft form of the publication or souvenir, before being offered for sale, shall be approved by the Council. |
Council’s approval. |
7.1 The price of the publication or souvenir shall be determined by the board and approved by the Council. |
Price. |
Regolamenti dwar Skips (Applikazzjoni Generali), 2000 | |||
BIS-SAHHA tas-setghat moghtija bis-subartikolu (2) ta’ l-artikolu 34 u bl-artikolu 72 ta’ l-Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali, il-Ministru tal- Gustizzja u Gvem Lokali ghamel ir-regolamenti li gejjin.- | |||
1. Dawn ir-regolamenti jistghu jissejhu ir-Regolamenti ta’ 1-2000 Titolu. dwar Skips (Applikazzjoni Generali), u ghandhom jibdew isehhu meta jghaddu tletin gumata mill-pubblikazzjoni taghhorn. | |||
2. F’dawn ir-regolamenti, kemm il-darba r-rabta tal-kliem rna Tifsir. tehtiegx xort’ohra:- |
“Att” tfisser I-Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali;
“awtorizzazzjoni” tfisser I-awtorizzazzjoni moghtija lil persuna awtorizzata kif provdut fl-iskeda li tinsab rna’ dawn ir- regolamenti; “bin on wheels” tfisser recipjent fuq ir-roti li jinghalaq b’ ghatu, u li hu mahsub ghar-rimi ta’ skart domestiku izda rna tinkludix skip; “persuna awtorizzata” tfisser kull persuna li jkollha 1-permess mahrug minn Kunsill Lokali biex taghmel uzu minn skip jew bin- on-wheels skond is-subregolament 4.2 ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti; “skart domestiku” tfisser kull skart tad-dar mormi minn postijiet ta’ abitazzjoni maghduda appartamenti jew djar residenzjali izda rna tinkludix skart kummercjali jew industrijali jew skart goff; “skart kummercjali jew industrijali” tfisser kull xorta ta’ skart li jkun mormi minn hwienet, fabbriki, intraprizi jew entitajiet ohra Ii joperaw fil-kummerc jew fl-industrija u tinkludi kull xorta ta’ skart goff jigi mnejn jigi izda rna tink1udix zibel jew skart domestiku; “skip” tfisser recipjent miftuh jew maghluq u tinkludi kull recipjent iehor ta’ dan ix-xorta mahsub Ii jintuza ghad-depositu ta’ skart kummercjali jew industrijali, izda rna tinkludix “bin on wheels”. |
3.1 Dawn ir-regolamenti jappIikaw ghall-Kunsilli Lokali kollha skond il-lokalita taghhom u ghandhom jitqiesu li huma Bye-Laws ghall-finijiet tas-subartikolu (2) ta’ l-artikolu 34 ta’ t-Att. |
Kif japplikaw dawn ir-regolamenti. |
3.2 Fejn xi Kunsill ghamel Bye-Laws sabiex jirregolaw xi haga Ii dwarha hemm provdut f’dawn ir-regolamenti, dawn ir-regolamenti ghandhorn jitqiesu b’zieda rna’, u mhux bi tnaqqis ta’ dawn il-Bye- Laws: | |||
Izda f’kull kaz meta dawn il-Bye-lLzws jipprovdu xort’ohra minn dawn ir-regolamenti, il-provvedimenti ta’ dawk il-Bye-lLzws ghandhom japplikaw:
Izda wkoll Kunsill Lokali jista’ jaghmel Bye-Laws b’zieda rna’ dawn ir-regolamenti biex jipprovdi ghal dispozizzjonijiet specjali ghal- lokalita tieghu. |
4.1 Hadd hlief il-Kunsill rna ghandu jqieghed skip jew bin on wheels f’xi post pubbliku fil-konfini tal-Kunsill Lokali minghajr il- permess tal-Kunsill. |
Tqeghid ta' skips u Bins on Wheels. |
4.2 Il-Kunsill jista, fid-diskrezzjoni tieghu , johrog awtorizzazzjoni 1il persuna biex tqieghed skip jew bin on wheels f’ dawk il-hinijiet u f’dawk il-postijiet u taht dawk il-pattijiet u kondizzjonijiet Ii jistghu jkunu stipulati fil-permess. | |||
4.3 Meta tinhareg awtorizzazzjoni ghandu jithallas Iill-Kunsill:- | |||
4.3.1 fil-kaz ta’ skip, dritt ta’ mhux aktar minn hamsin centezmu ghal kull jum jew parti minnu ghal kull skip; | |||
4.3.2 fil-kaz ta’ bin on wheels, dritt ta’ mhux aktar minn erbghin centezmu ghal kull jum jew parti minnu ghal kull bin on wheels. | |||
4.4 Kull persuna Ii tikser xi dispozizzjoni ta’ dan ir-regolament jew Ii tonqos rnilli thares xi wahda mill-kondizzjonijiet ta’ l-awtorizzazzjoni, tkun hatja ta’ kontravvenzjoni. | |||
5. Persuna tkun ukoll hatja ta’ kontravvenzjoni jekk: |
Kontravvenzjonijiet. |
5.1 taghmel xi hsara IiI xi skip jew bin on wheels jew thassar xi rnarki starnpati fuqhorn jew imwahhlin rnaghhorn, jew thazzez jew taghmel xi rnarka ta’ kull tip rna’ xi skip jew bin on wheels minghajr il- kunsens bil-miktub tal-Kunsill jew tal-persuna awtorizzata; jew | |||
5.2 wara li tuza l-iskip jew iI-bin on wheels thalli l-ghatu taghhorn miftuh jew irnbexxaq, jew tiddepozita xi skart b’rnod li l-ghatu rna jinghalaqx sewwa; jew | |||
5.3 tuza l-iskip jew bin on wheels ghal xi ghan li rnajkunx dak Ii hu rnahsub ghalih, jew tiddepozita xi zibel jew skart li rnhux suppost jintrerna fl-iskip jew bin on wheels; jew | |||
5.4 tiddepozita, twaddab, twaqqa, jew xort’ohra xxerred xi zibel jew skart rna’ genb rnadwar jew hdejn i-iskip jew bin on wheels; jew | |||
5.5 tnehhi jew iccaqlaq i-iskip jew iI-bin on wheels minn fejn tkun tpoggiet mill-Kunsill jew minn persuna awtorizzata Il-ispazju provdut ghal dak il-ghan; jew | |||
5.6 tiddepozita zibel jew skart fxi skip jew bin on wheels li skond l-awtorizzazzjoni tkun mahsuba ghall-uzu eskluziv ta’ persuna awtorizzata; jew | |||
5.7 tiddepozita b’bin on wheels skart dornestiku Ii rna jkunx tqieghed f’borza rnaghluqa, ta’ xorta u rnaterjal approvat mill-Kunsill; jew | |||
5.8 tiddepozita zibel jew skart fi skip jew bin on wheels, Ii rna jkunux dawk Iidwarhorn tkun inharget awtorizzazzjoni bil-miktub mill- Kunsill; jew | |||
5.9 tiddepozita xi zibel kummercjali jew industrijal jew skart domestiku li rna jkunx gej mill-konfini tal-Kunsill. | |||
6.1 Kull persuna li permezz ta’ xi attivita fil-lokalita tiggenera ghandha tirregistra mal-Kunsill lokali ta’ dik il-lokalita u ghandha zzomm IiI dak il-Kunsill mgharraf f’kull zmien bl-isem tal-kuntrattur inkarigat rninnha sabiex jigbor u jnehhi l-dak l-iskart kummercjali jew industrjali. Kull persuna li tonqos rnilli thares dan ir-regolament tkun hatja ta’ kontravvenzjoni. |
Registrazzjoni ta' xi skart kummercjali jew industrijali |
6.2 Ebda persuna kif irnsernrnija fis-subregolament 6.1 rna ghandha tarmi jew tiddepozita skart kummercjali u/jew industrijali fl- iskip jew bins on wheels provduti mill-Kunsill sakernrn rna tkunx hekk awtorizzata bil-miktub mill-istess Kunsill. | |||
7.1 Kull persuna Ii taghmel xi kontravvenzjoni taht id- dispozizzjonijiet tar-regolament 5 ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti, tista’ tehel, meta tinsab hatja, sakemm rna tkunx applikabbli xi piena oghla taht xi ligi oħra- | |||
7.1.1 ghal l-ewwel kontravvenzjoni, ammenda ta’ ghoxrin liri Maltija (Lm20), u
7.1.2 ghat-tieni kontravvenzjoni jew ghal kull kontravvenzjoni ohra Ii ssir wara, ammenda ta’ tletin liri Maltija (Lm30). |
7.2 F’kaz ta’ reat taht ir-regolament 4•ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti, persuna tista’ tehel meta tinsab hatja ammenda ta’ tletin liri Maltija (Lm30) , u fil-kaz ta’ reat kontinwat, ammenda addizzjonali ta’ hames liri Maltija (Lm5) ghal kull jum li matulu jkompIi r-reat. | |||
7.3 F’kaz ta’ kontravvenzjoni taht ir-regolament 6.1 ta’ dawn ir- regolamenti, persuna tista’ tehel meta tinsab hatja ammenda ta’ tletin liri Maltija (Lm30) u fil-kaz ta’ reat kontinwat, ammenda addizzjoni ta’ hames liri Maltija (Lm5) ghal kull jum Ii matulu jkompIi r-reat. | |||
7.4 F’kaz ta’ kontravvenzjoni taht regolament 6.2 ta’ dawn ir- regolamenti, persuna tista’ tehel meta tinsab hatja ammenda ta’ tletin liri Maltija (Lm30). |
8. Meta persuna tehel piena taht dawn ir-regolamenti dan ikun bla pregudizzju ghall-jedd tal-Kunsillii jirkupra danni civili Ii jkunu saru bl-ghemil ta’ xi reat taht dawn ir-regolamenti. |
Danni civili. |
9. Il-Kunsill jista’ jirrevoka kull awtorizzazzjoni jekk ikun sodisfatt Ii xi patt jew xi kondizzjoni li taghhom tkun inghatat dik 1- awtorizzazzjoni rna jkunx gie mhares, jew jekk ikun hemm tibdil sostanzjaIi fic-cirkostanzi Ii fil-fehma tal-Kunsilljoholqu l-htiega Ii dik l-awtorizzazzjoni tigi revokata. F’dak il-kaz il-Kunsill rna jkunx mehtieg li jhallas lura xi dritt Ii jkun thallas taht is-subregolament 4.3 ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti. |
Tmiem jew thassir ta' registrazzjoni. |
10. Dawn ir-regolamenti huma bla pregudizzju ghall- provvedimenti tal-proviso mas-subartikolu (2) ta’ l-artikolu 34 ta’ 1- Att. |
Dawn ir-regolamenti ma jolqtux I-art. 34(2) tal-Att. |
L.N. 241 of 2000 | |||
Skips (General Application) Regulations, 2000 | |||
IN exercise of the powers conferred by subarticle (2) of article 34 and article 72 of the Local Councils Act, the Minister for Justice and Local Government has made the following regulations:- | |||
1. These regulations may be cited as the Skips (General Application) Regulations, 2000 and shall come into force after the lapse of thirty days from their publication in the Gazette. |
Citation. |
2. In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires:- “Act” means the Local Councils Act; |
Definitions. |
“authorised person” means any person holding a permit issued by a Local Council to use a skip or bin on wheels in terms of subregulation 4.2 of these regulations;
“bin on wheels” means any recipient on wheels that may be closed by means of a lid and which is intended for the deposit of domestic refuse but does not include a skip; “commercial or industrial waste” means any waste or refuse, originating from any shop, factory, enterprise, or other entity operating commercially or in industry and includes bulky refuse irrespective from where it generates but does not include domestic refuse; “domestic refuse” means household waste originating from private dwellings, including flats or residential homes but does not include commercial or industrial waste or bulky refuse; “permit” means the permit issued to an authorised person as set out in the Schedule to these regulations; “skip” means any open or closed skip and includes any other recipient of this kind, used for the deposit of commercial or industrial waste, but does not include a bin on wheels. |
3.1 These regulations shall apply to all Local Councils in relation to their locality and shall be deemed to be Bye-Laws for the purposes of subarticle (2) of article 34 of the Act. |
Applicability of regulations. |
3.2 Where any Local Council has made Bye-Laws regulating any matter provided for under these regulations, these regulations shall be deemed to be in addition to and not in derogation of such Bye-Laws;
Provided that in any case when such Bye-Laws provide differently from these regulations, the provisions of those Bye-Laws shall apply; Provided further that any Local Council may make Bye-Laws in addition to these regulations to make special provision in relation to its locality, |
4.1 No person other than the Council shall place any skip or bin on wheeI, in any public pIace within the CounciI’s Iocality boundary without a permit from the Council. |
Placement of skips and bins on wheels. |
4.2 The Council may in its discretion issue a permit to authorise a person to place a skip or bin on wheels during such times and at such place and under such terms and conditions as may be stipulated in the permit. | |||
4.3 When a permit is granted, there shall be payable to the Councils- | |||
4.3.1 in the case of a skip, a fee of not more than fifty cents per day or part thereof for every skip; | |||
4.3.2 in the case of a bin on wheels, a fee of not more than forty cents per day or part thereof for every bin on wheels, | |||
4.4 Any person who contravenes any provision of this regulation or who fails to comply with any of the terms of the permit, shall be guilty of a contravention. | |||
5. A person shall also be deemed to be guilty of a contravention if: |
Contraventions. |
5.1 he causes any damage to any skip or bin on wheels or obliterates any markings printed on or affixed thereon, or scribble or make any mark of any sort on any skip or bin on wheels without the written consent of the Councilor of the authorised person; or | |||
5.2 after using the skip or bin on wheels he leaves its lid open or ajar, or deposits any refuse in such manner as to impede the lid from closing properly; or | |||
5.3 he uses the skip or bin on wheels for any purpose other than that it is intended for, or deposits any waste or refuse which the skip or bin on wheels is not intended to receive; or | |||
5.4 he deposits, throws down, drops or otherwise spills any waste or refuse outside, around or near the skip or bin on wheels; or | |||
5.5 he removes or misplaces the skip or bin on wheels from where it is placed by the Councilor by an authorised person within the space allocated for that purpose; or | |||
5.6 he deposits waste or refuse in a skip or bin on wheels which according to the permit is intended for the exclusive use of an authorised person; or | |||
5.7 he deposits in a bin on wheels any domestic refuse which is not contained in a closed bag, of a type and material approved by the Council; or | |||
5.8 he deposits waste or refuse in a skip or bin on wheels other than that for which written authority has been issued by the Council; or | |||
5.9 he deposits any commercial or industrial or domestic refuse, which has not originated from within the Council’s locality boundary. | |||
6.1 Any person who, through an activity in a locality generates any commercial or industrial waste shall register with the Council of that locality and shall keep such Council informed at all times of the contractor engaged by such person to collect and remove his commercial or industrial waste. Any person who fails to comply with this regulation shall be guilty of a contravention. |
Registration of commercial and industrial establishments. |
6.2 No person as is mentioned in regulation 6.1 shall throw or deposit commercial and, or industrial waste in the skips or bins on wheels supplied by the Council unless so authorised in writing by the said Council. | |||
7.1 Any person who commits any contravention under any of the provisions of regulation 5 of these regulations shall, on conviction, be liable., unless a higher penalty is applicable under any other law – |
Offences and penalties. |
7.1.1 | for a first offence, to a fine (ammenda) of twenty Maltese Liri (Lm20); and | ||
7.1.2 | for a second or subsequent offence, to a fine (ammenda) of thirty Maltese liri (Lm30). | ||
7.2 In the case of an offence under regulation 4 of these regulations, a person shall be liable on conviction to a fine (ammenda) of thirty Maltese liri (Lm30), and in the case of a continuing offence, to an additional fine (ammenda) of five Maltese liri (Lm5) for each day during which the offence continues. | |||
7.3 In the case of an offence under regulation 6.1 of these regulations a person shall be liable on conviction to a fme (ammenda) of thirty Maltese liri (Lm30) and in case of a continuing offence, to an additional fine (ammenda) of five Maltese liri (Lm5) for each day during which the offence continues. | |||
7.4 in the case of contravention under regulation 6.2 of these regulations, a person shall be liable on conviction to a fine (ammenda) of thirty Maltese liri (Lm30). | |||
8. The imposition of a penalty under these regulations shall be Civil damages without prejudice to the right of the Council to recover and civil damages caused by the commission of an offence under these regulations. |
Civil Damages. |
9. The Council may terminate the permit, if is satisfied that any Terminatin or of the terms and conditions under which the said permit was issued has not been complied with, or if there is a substantial change in circumstances which in the opinion of the Council renders it necessary to withdraw the permit. In this case the Council shall not be obliged to refund any fee paid under subregulation 4.3 of these regulations. |
Termination or cancelation of registration. |
10. These regulations are without prejudice to the provisions Regulations not to of the proviso to sub article (2) of article 34 of the Act. |
Regulations not to prejudice art. 34(2) of the Act. |
Use of Facilities
ATT DWAR KUNSILLI LOKALI (KAP. 363) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bye-Laws tal-2011 dwar l-Użu ta’ Faċilitajiet
(Kunsill Lokali Floriana)
BIS-SAĦĦA tas-setgħat mogħtija bl-artikli 34, 35 u 60 tal- Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali, il-Kunsill Lokali Floriana għamel dawn il-Bye-Laws li ġejjin:-
1.1 It-titolu ta’ dawn il-Bye-Laws hu Bye-Laws tal-2011 dwar l-Użu ta’ Faċilitajiet (Kunsill Lokali Floriana).
Titolu u bidu fis-seħħ. |
1.2 Dawn il-Bye-Laws jidħlu fis-seħħ xahar wara li jiġu ppubblikati fil-Gazzetta.
2. F’dawn il-Bye-Laws kemm-il darba r-rabta tal-kliem ma tkunx teħtieġ xorta oħra:-
“l-Amministratur” tfisser il-persuna, każin, għaqda jew soċjeta` li tirbaħ offerta mill-Kunsill biex tamministra l-faċilitajiet skont kif provdut fil-bye-law 9.1 ta’ dawn il-Bye- Laws;
“applikant” tfisser kull persuna, kemm jekk individwu, każin jew għaqda li tapplika biex tagħmel użu mill- faċilitajiet;
“l-Att” tfisser l-Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali;
“tagħmir” tfisser kull ħaġa li hemm mqiegħda jew
imwaħħla ġewwa l-faċilitajiet;
“faċilitajiet” tfisser is-Sala tal-Kunsill u l-Kamra tat- Taħriġ li jinsabu fl-Uffiċini Amministrattivi tal-Kunsill tal- Floriana u ċ-Ċentru Rikreattiv ir-Re Ġorġ V, u t-tennis court u l-5-a-side football pitch, li jinsabu fl-istess Ċentru Rikreattiv, li huma taħt ir-responsabbilta` tal-Kunsill;
“il-Kunsill” tfisser il-Kunsill Lokali Floriana;
“persuna awtorizzata” tfisser il-persuna, każin, assoċjazzjoni jew soċjetà li tkun ġiet mogħtija awtorizzazzjoni mill-Kunsill jew mill-Amministratur skont id-dispożizzjonijiet ta’ dawn il-Bye-Laws sabiex tuża l-faċilitajiet.
Tifsir. |
3. Mingħajr preġudizzju għal kull permess ieħor meħtieġ minn xi awtorità oħra jew taħt xi liġi oħra, ħadd ma jista’ jagħmel użu mill-faċilitajiet mingħajr l-awtorizzazzjoni bil-miktub mogħtija minn qabel mill-Kunsill. |
Użu ta’ faċilitajiet. |
4. Il-Kunsill għandu jagħti awtorizzazzjoni għall-użu tal- faċilitajiet wara li ssir applikazzjoni bil-miktub minn applikant fuq il-formula stabbilita fi Skeda A li tinsab ma’ dawn il-Bye-Laws:
Iżda l-Kunsill ikollu d-dritt li jirrifjuta li jagħti dik l-awtorizzazzjoni f ’dawk iċ-ċirkostanzi u għal kull raġuni li l-Kunsill jista’ jqis li tkun ragonevoli, u l-Kunsill għandu jagħti l-awtorizzazzjoni jew jiċħadha bil-miktub mhux inqas minn ħamest ijiem qabel il-ġurnata tal-attivita`. |
Applikazzjoni għall- użu ta’ faċilitajiet. |
5. L-applikazzjonijiet għandhom jaslu għand il-Kunsill sa mhux aktar tard minn ġimgħa u mhux iżjed kmieni minn xahar mid-data li fiha jkun propost li ssir l-attività. Id-deċiżjoni tal- Kunsill għandha tiġi mgħarrfa lill-applikant bil-miktub kemm jista’ jkun malajr. |
Termini għall- applikazzjonijiet. |
6. Meta jaslu aktar minn applikazzjoni waħda għal xi attività biex issir fl-istess post u fl-istess jum, l-ewwel applikazzjoni li tkun daħlet għandha tingħata prijorità. Jekk jaslu applikazzjonijiet f’daqqa, l-applikant li jgħix fil-lokalità għandu jingħata preferenza. Jekk l-applikanti huma kollha mil-lokalità, jew jekk ħadd minnhom ma hu mil-lokalità, il-Kunsill għandu jtella’ bix-xorti fil-preżenza tal-applikanti kollha. |
Prijorita` fl- applikazzjonijiet. |
7.1.1 Ma għandha tiġi milqugħa ebda applikazzjoni skont kif provdut fil-bye-law 4 ta’ dawn il-Bye-Laws jekk ix-xorta tal- attività ma tkunx waħda sportiva, edukattiva, rikreattiva, reliġjuża, kulturali jew filantropika, jew jekk dik l-attività ma tkunx approvata mill-Kunsill.
Xorta ta’ attivita`. |
7.1.2 L-awtorizzazzjoni għandha tingħata lill-applikant fuq il-formula stabbilita fi Skeda A u bla ħsara għal dawk il-pattijiet u kundizzjonijiet stabbiliti fi Skeda B li tinsab ma’ dawn il-Bye Laws, u għandha tinkludi kull kumment li l-Kunsill iħoss li jkun meħtieġ. Kopja tal-awtorizzazzjoni għandha tinżamm mill-Kunsill jew mill- Amministratur skont il-każ. |
Awtorizzazjoni. |
7.1.3 Din il-proċedura għandha tapplika wkoll fil-każ ta’ rifjut. F’dak il-każ għandha tinghata r-raġuni għal dak ir-rifjut.
7.2 Awtorizzazzjoni maħruġa taħt dawn il-Bye-Laws ma tkunx trasferibbli jekk mhux bil-permess bil-miktub bil-quddiem tal-Kunsill jew tal-Amministratur skont il-każ. |
L-awtorizzazzjoni mhux trasferibbli. |
8. L-applikant għandu, meta jippreżenta l-applikazzjoni tieghu, iħallas dritt kif stipulat fi Skeda Ċ li tinsab ma’ dawn il- Bye-Laws:
Iżda l-Kunsill jista’ jagħti konċessjoni speċjali li ma jsir ebda ħlas fil-każ ta’ attivitajiet li jkollhom għan filantropiku.
Drittijiet għall-użu tal-faċilitajiet. |
9.1 Il-Kunsill jista’ jiddelega lil terzi persuni l-amministrazzjoni tal-faċilità, wara li tkun inħarġet sejħa pubblika għall-offerti.
Delega tal- amministrazzjoni. |
9.2 Il-persuna li tingħata l-offerta għandha taderixxi mall- pattijiet u l-kundizzjonijiet stipulati fi Skeda B li tinsab ma’ dawn il-Bye-Laws u ma’ kull kundizzjoni oħra li l-Kunsill jista’ jimponi. |
Pattijiet u kundizzjonijiet. |
9.3 Meta applikant iħoss ruħu aggravat minn xi deċiżjoni meħuda mill-Amministratur, huwa jista’ jappella minn dik id- deċiżjoni lill-Kunsill u d-deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill ghandha tkun waħda finali. |
Dritt ta’ appell. |
10. Il-persuna li tingħatalha l-awtorizzazzjoni tinżamm responsabbli għad-danni kollha magħmula lill-faċilitajiet jew fit- tagħmir tagħhom jew għal kull dannu ieħor li terzi persuni jistgħu jsofru ġewwa l-faċilitajiet matul iż-żmien tal-awtorizzazzjoni. |
Responsabbilta` għad- danni. |
11.1 Mingħajr preġudizzju għad-dispożizzjonijiet tal-bye-law 9 ta’ dawn il-Bye-Laws, jekk persuna awtorizzata tagħmel użu ħażin mill-faċilitajiet jew tinkiser xi waħda mill-pattijiet u kundizzjonijiet stipulati fl-awtorizzazzjoni, il-Kunsill jew l-Amministratur, skont il-każ, jista’ jirrevoka l-awtorizzazzjoni u d-dritt imħallas ma jingħatax lura. |
Użu ħażin tal- faċilitajiet; ksur tal-pattijiet u kundizzjonijiet. |
11.2 Il-Kunsill għandu jitlob depositu ta’ mhux aktar minn mitejn u tlieta u tletin euro (€233) mill-persuna li tkun qed tuża l-faċilitajiet. Dan id-depositu għandu jintalab sabiex jagħmel tajjeb għal kull ħsara li tista’ tiġi kkaġunata. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11.3 Għandu jinżamm inventarju li jiġi reġistrat u ffirmat mis-Segretarju Eżekuttiv u mill-applikant, ta’ dak kollu li jkun hemm fil-faċilità mikrija.
11.4 Meta tingħata l-awtorizzazzjoni dwar xi faċilità lil xi persuni, għandhom jiġu indikati il-partikolaritajiet tal-persuna responsabbli. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12.1 Kull persuna li tikser xi waħda mid-dispożizzjonijiet ta’ dawn il-Bye-Laws, jew tonqos milli taderixxi ma’ xi kundizzjoni tal-awtorizzazzjoni mogħtija bis-saħħa ta’ dawn il-Bye-Laws, teħel meta tinsab ħatja ammenda ta’ mhux aktar minn disgħa u sittin euro u tmienja u tmenin ċenteżmu (€69.88) għal dik il-kontravvenzjoni. |
Pieni. |
12.2 Il-Kunsill jista’ b’żjieda mall-penali stabbiliti fil-bye-law 12.1 hawn aktar qabel jordna lill-persuna li tinsab ħatja ta’ ksur li tagħmel it-tiswijiet meħtieġa li jkunu għas-sodisfazzjon tal-Kunsill. Tista’ wkoll teħel ammenda ta’ ħdax-il euro u ħamsa u sittin ċenteżmu (€11.65) għal kull ġurnata li matulha ma jsirux it- tiswijiet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12.3 Il-Kunsill ikollu dritt li jagħmel it-tiswijiet meħtieġa għas-spejjeż tal-persuna misjuba ħatja. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SKEDA B | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(Bye-law 6.1) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pattijiet u Kundizzjonijiet għall-Awtorizzazzjoni għall-Użu tal-Faċilitajiet | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. L-awtorizzazzjoni hi valida għat-tul ta’ żmien skond kif muri fl-applikazzjoni li tinsab fi Skeda A u bla ħsara għal kundizzjonijiet oħra magħmula mill-Kunsill fuq il-formula ta’ l-awtorizzazzjoni.
2. Il-Kunsill għandu dritt li jirrevoka l-awtorizzazzjoni f’kul ħin għal xi ksur ta’ xi waħda minn dawn il-pattijiet u kundizzjonijiet jew xi disposizzjonijiet tal-Bye-Laws jew xi kundizzjonijiet oħra magħmula mill-Kunsill fuq il-formula ta’ l-awtorizzazzjoni. Il-Kunsill għandu dritt ukoll li jirrevoka l-awtorizzazzjoni jekk l-attività titqies li tkun kontra l-morali jew id-deċenza pubblika. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3. Jekk il-Kunsill jirrevoka l-awtorizzazzjoni għal xi raġuni msemmija f’paragrafu 2 hawn qabel, il- persuna awtorizzata ma jkollhiex jedd li tieġħu lura d-dritt imħallas jew xi parti minnu. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4. L-awtorizzazzjoni tinhareg bla ħsara għal kull permess jew liċenza meħtiega taħt kull liġi oħra. L-applikant għandu d-dmir li jikseb dawk il-permessi u l-liċenzi meħtieġa. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5. Il-persuna awtorizzata ma tistax tagħmel xi attività li ma tkunx imniżżla fl-awtorizzazzjoni. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6. Il-persuna awtorizzata għandha żżomm il-faċilità nadifa f’kull ħin matul l-attività u tiżgura li dak il-post għandu jibqa’ nadif sakemm jagħlaq iż-żmien ta’ l-awtorizzazzjoni. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7. Il-persuna awtorizzata għandha tiżgura li mat-tmiem ta’ l-awtorizzazzjoni l-faċilità titħalla fl- istat oriġinali li fiha kienet tinsab. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8. Il-persuna awtorizzata għandha tiżgura li ma jinħoloq ebda inkonvenjent jew skumdità lill-pubbliku matul iż-żmien ta’ l-awtorizzazzjoni. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9. Kull storbju għandu jieqaf sa’ l-10.30pm għall-użu tas-Sala tal-Kunsill u l-Kamra tat-Taħriġ u sa’ l-11.00pm għall-użu taċ-Ċentru Rikreattiv ir-Re Ġorġ V, l-5-a-side football pitch u t-tennis court. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10. Kopja ta’ l-awtorizzazzjoni għandha tiġi esposta għall-informazzjoni tal-pubbliku f’post prominenti f’kull ħin fid-daħla tal-faċilità.
L.C.B.L. 18/10/2011 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(CAP. 363) |
Use of Facilities (Floriana Local Council)
Bye-Laws, 2011 |
IN exercise of the powers conferred by articles 34, 35 (8) and 60 of the Local Councils Act, the Floriana Local Council has made the following Bye-Laws :- | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. The title of the Bye-Laws is the Use of Facilities (Floriana Local Council) Bye-Laws, 2011.
Citation and Commencement. |
1.2 These Bye-Laws shall come into force one month after their publication in the Gazette. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2. In these Bye-Laws, unless the context otherwise requires:-
“the Act” means the Local Councils Act; “Admininstrator” means the person, club, association or society awarded the tender by the Council to manage the facilities in terms of bye-law 9.1 of these Bye-Laws;
“applicant” means any person, whether an individual, club, association or society, who applies to use the facilities;
“authorised person” means the person, club, association or society, who has been granted authorisation by the Council or by the Administrator in terms of these Bye-laws for the use of the facility;
“the Council” means the Floriana Local Council; “equipment” means anything put or fixed within the facilities;
“facilities” means the Council Conference Hall and Lecture Room within the Floriana Local Council Administrative Offices and King George V Recreational Grounds, Floriana, and the tennis court and the 5-a-side football pitch both found in the same Recreational Grounds, which are under the responsibility of the Council; “locality” means the Floriana locality.
Interpretation. |
3. Without prejudice to any other permit that might be necessary from any authority or under any other law, no person shall make use of the facility without the prior written authorisation of the Council. |
Use of Facilities. |
4. The Council shall grant authorisation for the use of the facilities after and application on the form established in Schedule A to these Bye-Laws is submitted:
Provided that the Council shall have the right to refuse such application in those circumstances and for any reason that the Council may deem reasonable, and the Council shall grant or refuse authorisation in writing in not less than five days before the activity is to be held.
Application for the use of Facilities. |
5. Applications should reach the Council by not later than a week and not earlier than a month from the date of the proposed activity. The decision of the Council shall be notified to the applicant in writing as soon as possible. |
Time limits for applications. |
6. When more than one application is filed requesting that an activity be held at the same place and on the same day, the first application received shall be given priority. If a number of applications are received at the same time, the applicant residing at the locality shall be given priority. If the applicants are all from the same locality or if none of them are from the locality, the Council shall cast lots in the presence of all applicants. |
Priority of application. |
7.1.1 No application shall be accepted as provided in bye- law 4 of these Bye-Laws if the nature of the activity is not related to sports, education, recreation, religion, culture or philanthropy or if such activity is not approved by the Council. |
Nature of activity. |
7.1.2 Authorisation shall be given to the applicant on the form established in Schedule A and subject to those terms and conditions established in Schedule B to these Bye-Laws, and shall include any comments that the Council feels necessary. A copy of the authorisation shall be kept by the Council or the Administrator depending on circumstances. |
Authorisation. |
7.1.3 This procedure shall also apply in the case of a refusal. In such case the reason for such refusal shall be included. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7.2 An authorisation granted under these Bye-laws is not transferable unless with the prior written permission by the Council or the Administrator, as the case may be. |
Authorisation not transferable. |
8. The applicant shall, when submitting an application, pay a fee as stipulated in Schedule C to these Bye-Laws:
Provided that the Council may give a special concession renouncing to the fee for activities which have a philanthropic purpose.
Fees for the use of facilities. |
9.1 The Council may delegate the management of the facility to third parties after issuing a public call for tenders. |
Delegation of management. |
9.2 The person who is awarded the tender shall abide by the terms and conditions established in Schedule B to these Bye-Laws and any other conditions which the Council may wish to impose. |
Terms and conditions. |
9.3 Where an applicant feels aggrieved by a decision taken by the Administrator, he may appeal from such decision to the Council, and the Council’s decision shall be final. |
Right of appeal. |
10. The person to whom the authorisation is granted shall be held responsible for all damages made to the facilities or the equipment or any other damages that third parties may suffer within the facilities during the period of the authorisation. |
Responsibility for damages. |
11.1 Without prejudice to bye-law 9 of these Bye-Laws if an authorised person makes bad use of the facilities or does not observe the terms and conditions stated in the authorisation, the Council or the Administrator depending on circumstances may revoke the authorisation and the fee paid shall be forfeited. |
Improper use of facilities, breach of the terms and conditions. |
11.2 The Council shall demand a deposit of not more than two hundred and thirty three euro (€233) from the person making use of the facility. This deposit shall be required in order to cater for any damages which may be caused. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11.3 An inventory, to be registered and signed by the Executive Secretary and by the applicant, shall be kept in the rented premises as relating to every article held therein. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11.4 When the authorisation about a facility is granted to the persons to whom the use is granted, the particulars of the person responsible shall be indicated. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12.1 Any person who contravenes any provision of these Bye-Laws or fails to honour any condition in the authorisation granted by virtue of these Bye-Laws shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine (ammenda) of not more than sixty-nine euro eighty-eight cents (€69.88) for such contravention. |
Penalties. |
12.2 The Council may, inaddition to the penalties established in bye-law 12.1 above, order the person found guilty of a contravention to affect the repairs that will be necessary in the Council’s opinion. Such person may also be condemned to pay a fine (ammenda) of eleven euro and sixty-five cents (€11.65) for every day during which the repairs are not carried out. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12.3 The Council shall have the right to effect the necessary repairs at the expense of the person found guilty. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SCHEDULE B | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(Bye-law 6.1) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Terms and Conditions for the Authorisation of the Use of Facilities | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. The authorisation is valid for the duration as indicated in the application form prescribed in Schedule A and subject to any further conditions stipulated by the Council on the authorisation form. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2. The Council has the right to revoke the authorisation at any time for any breach of any of these terms and conditions or any provisions of the Bye-Laws or any other conditions as laid down by the Council on the authorisation form. The Council also has the right to revoke the authorisation if the activity is deemed contrary to public decency or morals. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3. If the Council revokes the authorisation for any of the reasons mentioned in paragraph 2 above, the authorised person shall not be refunded the fee paid or any part thereof. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4. The authorisation is subject to any permit or licence necessary under any other law. It is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain such permit or licence. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5. The authorised person shall not carry out any activity which is not indicated in the authorisation. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6. The authorised person shall keep the facility clean at all times during the activity, and ensure that such place remains clean until the expiry of the authorisation. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7. The authorised person shall ensure that at the end of the authorisation the facility be restored to its original state. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8. The authorised person shall ensure that no inconvenience or nuisance is caused to the public during the duration of the authorisation. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9. Any noise shall cease by 10.30pm for the use of Council Conference Hall and Lecture Room and by 11.00pm for the use of King George V Recreational Grounds, the tennis court and the 5-a-side football pitch. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10. A copy of the authorisation shall be prominently displayed at all times at the entrance to the facility for the information of the public. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SCHEDULE C | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(Bye-law 8) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fees for the Use of Facilities | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Floriana Gates
Further down this area one finds the Archbishop’s curia, formerly the seminary. Infront of this building there is the Police General Headquarters, originally intended to be Malta’s General Hospital.
Back to the vicinity of the Argotti gardens there is another garden known as il-Mall, built by Grand Master Lascaris in 1656 for the recreation of the knights who played a ball game known as il maglio. During the times of Sir Alexander Ball, trees and flowers were planted, and the garden was open to the public. After the Second World War the wall surrounding this garden was pulled down, giving a better view of the garden. In this place we find various monuments commemorating prominent Maltese personalities such as Prof. Luigi Preziosi and Sir Filippo Sciberras.
In this area we also find the granaries dating back to the times of the Order. Because of road construction and the erection of new buildings, some of these granaries were filled up. Today the remaining ones are still in use. Nearby we find the War Memorials and the onededicated to Air Force pilots who died during the war.A beautiful monument commemorating the 1913 Eucharistic Congress is found in this area, in King Edward VII Avenue, better known as “il-Biskuttin” (infront of Hotel Phoenicia). This artistic statue known as Christ the King is the work of the Maltese artist Antonio Sciortino
A beautiful monument commemorating the 1913 Eucharistic Congress is found in this area, in King Edward VII Avenue, better known as “il-Biskuttin” (infront of Hotel Phoenicia). This artistic statue known as Christ the King is the work of the Maltese artist Antonio Sciortino.
A fine building used to house the Methodist church and the nearby Connaught House, erected as a club and meeting place for servicemen, is found in this area. These buildings stand near Sarria Chapel which recently underwent restoration.
Months and counting