About Us
ELECTION DATE 11th April 2015
TERM OF OFFICE – 1st May 2015
The town of Floriana is situated a stone’s throw away from the capital city Valletta. The origins of Floriana date back to 1634 when Grand Master De Paule, sensing another attack from the Ottoman Turks, brought over an Italian engineer, Pietro Paolo Floriani (born in the city of Macerata, Italy) to examine the state of the Islands’ fortifications.
His recommendations were to the effect that in the stretch of land just outside Valletta other fortifications were necessary to prevent a situation whereby the enemy would see directly into the capital city. Notwithstanding some initial opposition, works on the fortifications were eventually taken in hand and these were completed in 1721 ending at what is today Porte des Bombes, having an extension of over 4 km. With the accession of António Manoel de Vilhena to the post of Grand Master in 1722 this town was given the name Borgo Vilhena. However, the residents still kept calling their own town Floriana and so it has remained to this day.
Today , Floriana has a population of around 2300 inhabitants; somewhat low considering that in 1860 the population had reached a peak of 7,871. It covers an area of 133 acres, extending from City Gate to Porte des Bombes, an enceinte better know as the inner and outer defenses. At its highest central point Floriana is about 125 feet above sea level.
Floriana offers an immense heritage and a rich history and we invite you to discover it through this dynamic web page. The buildings, churches, gardens and monuments provide an insight into Malta’s political and social past form the time of the Knights of St John to this present day.
Kont taf li fil-Festa tal-patrun tagħna San Publju, fil-marċ ta’ filgħodu jintefgħu mill-gallariji wkoll il-ġugarelli?
Oriġinarjament waqt il-marċ tal-Ħadd kienu jintefgħu kuruni bil-fjuri tal-karti li kienu jintużaw biex iżejnu l-karozzi u x-xarabanks għal waqt ix-xalata tradizzjonali tal-għada tal-festa. Kien ikun hemm taqbida sew biex wieħed jaqbad kemm jiflaħ kuruni. Xi snin ilu, lejn l-aħħar tat-Tmeninijiet jew il-bidu tad-Disgħinijiet tas-seklu li għadda,kienet ġiet l-idea li biex ikun hemm taqbida akbar jintefgħu ġugarelli, xugamani, flokkijiet etċ. Infatti wieħed mill-promoturi ewlenin ta’ din l-inizjattiva kien Harry Azzopardi.