Se tittella’ t-13-il edizzjoni tal-Festival tal-logħob tan-nar tal-art
Il-Kunsill Lokali Floriana ser jorganiżża b’kollaborazzjoni mal-Awtorità Maltija għat-Turiżmu u l-Ministeru għat-Turiżmu, it-tlettax-il edizzjoni tal-Festival Nazzjonali tal-Logħob tan-Nar tal-Art Mekkanizzat fuq il-Fosos tal-Floriana. It-Tlettax-il Edizzjoni tal-Festival Nazzjonali tal-Logħob tan-Nar tal-Art Mekkanizzat, nhar is-Sibt 4 ta’ Mejju, 2019.
Il-Festival ta’ din is-sena ser jerġa’ jkun wieħed kompetittiv u b’parteċipazzjoni ta’ tmien Kumplessi / Għaqdiet tan-Nar li ser ikunu qed jikkompetu għat-titlu billi jesebixxu żewġ biċċiet tan-nar mekkanizzati. Dan il-festival, issa magħruf sew għall-irdieden kbar li jiġu esebiti, ser isir bħal dejjem fl-akbar pjazza f’Malta – Pjazza San Publiju, fuq il-Fosos tal-Floriana lejliet il-festa titulari tal-Floriana ad unur ta’ San Publju. Il-Festival tal-Logħob tan-Nar tal-Art ser jibda fl-10.30 pm. B’kollox ser ikun hemm 16-il biċċa ta’ struttura tikkompeti.
Ir-rebbieħ tal-Festival ser jiġi magħżul fuq l-aħjar merti fi tliet kategoriji:
i. għall-aħjar mekkaniżmu,
ii. għall-aħjar prodotti użati,
iii. għall-aktar esebizzjoni oriġinali f’dawk li huma disinn u movimenti.
Kull kategorija jkollha rebbieħ li jingħata trofew filwaqt li r-rebbieħ fost il-kategoriji kollha jiġi ddikjarat bħala r-rebbieħ tal-festival u jingħata trofew u “shield” li tinżamm għal sena.
Il-ġurija ser tkun magħmula minn tliet pirotekniċi internazzjonali. Chairman Malti ikun bħal kull sena, persuna intiża fil-piroteknika Maltija. Il-ġurija ser tevalwa x-xogħlijiet tan-nar waqt l-armar, waqt il-ħruq u anke permezz ta’ filmati, biex finalment tkun f’pożizzjoni li tħabbar ir-rebbieħa nhar it-Tnejn 6 ta’ Mejju filgħaxija.
Is-sena l-oħra, l-edizzjoni ta’ dan il-Festival Nazzjonali ntrebħet mill-Kumpless tan-Nar 15 ta’ Awwissu tal-Mosta. Bi pjaċir il-Kunsill iħabbar li l-dan il-kumpless tan-nar aċċetta l-istedina li jagħlaq il-Festival b’tapit maħdum minnhom.
Il-parteċipanti tal-Festival huma:
Għaqda tan-Nar Soċjetà Mużikali San Gabriel – Balzan
Kummissjoni tan-Nar San Pietru fil-Ktajjen – Birżebbuġa
Kumpless tan-Nar Madonna taċ-Ċintura – Il-Gudja
Kumpless tan-Nar 15 t’ Awwissu – Il-Mosta
Kumpless tan-Nar Madonna tal-Ġilju – L-Imqabba
Kumpless tan-Nar San Filep – Ħaż-Żebbuġ
Kumpless tan-Nar Madonna tal-Karmnu – Iż-Żurrieq
Kumpless tan- Nar Santa Katarina – Iż-Żurrieq
F’każ li ma jkunx possibli li dan il-Festival isir fil-ġurnata skedata minħabba maltemp, ġie deċiż li dan isir l-għada l-Ħadd 5 ta’ Mejju fl-istess ħin wara li tidħol il-purċissjoni ta’ San Publju.
The Thirteenth Edition of the National Mechanised Ground Fireworks Festival
The Floriana Local Council is pleased to announce that in collaboration with the Malta Tourism Authority and the Ministry for Tourism, it will organize the thirteenth edition of the National Mechanised Ground Fireworks Festival at the Granaries in Floriana, on Saturday 4 May, 2019.
The festival this year will once again be of a competitive nature, where eight Fireworks Factories Complex / Organizations will be competing for the coveted title by each exhibiting two mechanised catherine wheels. This festival, now well known for these large fireworks structures, will be held as always is, in the largest square in Malta – St Publius Square, on the Granaries in Floriana, one the eve of the feast in honour St. Publius. The Festival kick-starts at 10.30 p.m.
The Festival winner will be chosen on the merits of three categories:
i. best mechanism,
ii. best products used,
iii. for the most original exhibition in terms of design and movement.
Each category winner has an assigned trophy while the overall winner is declared the winner of the festival and is awarded a trophy and a shield to be kept for one year.
The jury will be composed of three international pyrotechnics. A Maltese national, an expert in the local pyrotechnic tradition, acts as Chairman to the jury. The jury will evaluate the fireworks during assembly, during combustion and also through videos, to finally be able to announce the winners on Monday 6th May in the evening.
Floriana Mayor Davina Sammut Hili said that the need was felt to revisit the festival, in order to attract larger crowds and keep old ones expecting more. A new initiative this year will be that the previous edition’s winner is commissioned to close the festival with a display locally known as ’it-tapit’ (the carpet) that crosses the entire width of the Granaries. The Council sought to take advantage of the the biggest square in Malta, to hype up the evening of Maltese pyrotechnic spectacle.
Minister for Tourism, the Hon. Konrad Mizzi lauded this festival and the council’s efforts along the years, and stressed his belief that this event could grow and its quality improved. Thus the Malta Tourism Authority felt the need to aid and support this festival and firmly place in the annual tourist calendar, brim filled with events for different age groups. He added that ground fireworks are beautiful local attractions, drawing interest not just from the local public, but also from tourists who appreciate such local talent, a talent that our country indeed excels in.
Last year’s festival edition was won by 15th August Fireworks Comples of Mosta. The Council is also pleased to announce that the same fire complex has accepted the invitation to close the festival with the ‘tapit’.
Mechanised Groundfireworks is a quintessential Maltese identity and unique in the field of international pyrotechnics. Foreign pyro technicians who visit every year this international festival are simply amazed at Malta’s product. It is indeed unique in the world, that during every week in the Maltese summer season, one can enjoy a show of large mechanised structures in Malta’s and Gozo’s towns and village squares.
The Festival’s participants are (in alphabetical order, by locality):
St. Gabriel’s Band Club Fireworks Association – Balzan
St. Peter in Chains Fireworks Commission – Birżebbuġa
Our Lady of the Girdle Fireworks Comples – Gudja
15th August Fireworks Complex – Mosta
Our Lady of the Lily Fireworks Complex – Mqabba
St. Philip Fireworks Complex – Żebbuġ
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Fireworks Complex – Żurrieq
St Catherine Fireworks Complex – Żurrieq
In case of inclement weather the festival will be held the following evening, Sunday 5th May, at 10.30pm.