Laqgħa bejn il-Kunsill Lokali u Friends of the Earth
Dalgħodu s-Sindku Nigel Holland u l-Viċi Sindku James Aaron Ellul iltaqgħu ma’ Friends of the Earth Malta fejn issoktaw id-diskussjonijiet b’rabta ma’ applikazzjoni għal proġett b’rabta mal-iskema Vjal Kulħadd.
Friends of the Earth hija entità li għandha l-kwartieri tagħha fil-lokal u spiss tersaq ‘il quddiem biex ittejjeb u twassal daqqa t’id.
This morning, Mayor Nigel Holland and Deputy Mayor James Aaron Ellul met with Friends of the Earth Malta, continuing discussions regarding an application for a project related to the “Vjal Kulħadd” scheme.
Friends of the Earth is an entity headquartered in the locality and often steps forward to contribute and make improvements.